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Scott's Reference Library

(E-mail Scott if you want to borrow any of these items)
Books/Bible Studies:
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DVDs: [ Alphabetic Topic List | Common Topic List | All DVDs | All DVDs Sorted by LC Call Number ]

DVD Topic: 1992

Alive (1992, US) (ZZZMOVIE)
Bob Roberts (1992, US) (ZZZMOVIE)
Few Good Men, A (1992) (ZZZMOVIE)
Leap of Faith (1992) (ZZZMOVIE)
Lorenzo's Oil (1992, US) (ZZZMOVIE)
River Runs Through It, A (1992, US) (ZZZMOVIE)
Unforgiven (1992, US) (ZZZMOVIE)

All Topics of Above DVD(s)

Adrenoleukodystrophy Treatment Washington (D.C.) Drama.
Adrenoleukodystrophy Washington (D.C.) Drama.
Aircraft accidents Andes Region.
Bread of Life, Jesus as
Cannibalism Andes Region.
Doctor films and programs.
Eastwood, Clint
Eastwood, Clint (Director)
Enright, Nick (Writer)
Freeman, Morgan
Hackman, Gene
Harris, Richard
Malkovich, John
Matthew 15:21-28
Miller, George (Director)
Miller, George (Writer)
Nolte, Nick
Odone, Augusto Drama.
Odone, Lorenzo Drama.
Odone, Michaela Drama.
O'Malley-Greenberg, Zach
Parent and child Washington (D.C.) Drama.
Pitt, Brad
Pittsburgh (filmed)
Rated PG
Rated R
Redford, Robert (Director)
Robbins, Tim
Robbins, Tim (Director)
Sarandon, Susan
Sheffer, Craig
Skerrit, Tom
Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc.
Ustinov, Peter

Copyright 2015 Emanuel's.
For queries regarding Emanuel's send e-mail to emanuelsluth@verizon.net.
For comments or suggestions regarding music indexing contact D. Scott Obrosky at obrosky@earthlink.net.
Webmaster: D. Scott Obrosky, MS

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version�, NIV�. Copyright � 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.�  Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com