Tune | Book | Page | Publisher | Year | Org | Pno | Inst | Hymn Acc |
A SOLIS ORTUS CARDINE | Preludes and Postludes, Vol. 2 | 16 | Augsburg Fortress | 1973 | Org | | | |
ANTIOCH | *Joy to the World | | | | | | | |
BALM IN GILEAD | Heaven Is My Home | 6 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
BALM IN GILEAD | Jubilate, Volume 3 | 10 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
BALM IN GILEAD | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 3 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
BITTEN | *Give Thanks to God | | | | | | | |
BUNESSAN | Laudate!, Volume 4 | 24 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
BUNESSAN | Laudate!, Volume 4 | 26 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
BUNESSAN | Proulx, Harmonizations | 2 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
BUNESSAN | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 10 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
BUNESSAN | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 12 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
CELTIC ALLELUIA | Jubilate, Volume 1 | 10 | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
CELTIC ALLELUIA | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 6 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
CHRISTE SANCTORUM | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 2 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
CHRISTE SANCTORUM | Proulx, Harmonizations | 3 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
CHRISTIAN LOVE | Jubilate, Volume 2 | 6 | Concordia | 2005 | Org | | | |
CHRISTIAN LOVE | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 10 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
DANCING DAY | *Easter Carol | | | | | | | |
DIES EST LAETITIAE | *Dies est laetitiae | | | | | | | |
DISTLER | *Weary of All Trumpeting | | | | | | | |
DIX | Proulx, Harmonizations | 4 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
DUNEDIN | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 14 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
EIN FESTE BURG (ISOMETRIC) | Proulx, Harmonizations | 5 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
EIN FESTE BURG (RHYTHMIC) | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 3 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
EIN FESTE BURG (RHYTHMIC) | Proulx, Harmonizations | 6 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ELLACOMBE | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 4 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ELLACOMBE | Proulx, Harmonizations | 7 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ENGELBERG | Laudate!, Volume 4 | 8 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
ENGELBERG | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 14 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
ES IST DAS HEIL (ISOMETRIC) | Augsburg Organ Library: Epiphany | 40 | Augsburg Fortress | 2001 | Org | | | |
GOTT SEI DANK | Proulx, Harmonizations | 11 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
IN DULCI JUBILO | *Good Christian Friends Rejoice | | | | | | | |
IRBY | Proulx, Harmonizations | 8 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ITALIAN HYMN | Proulx, Preludes on Four Hymns | 14 | Augsburg Fortress | 1968 | Org | | | |
JERUZALEM, GIJ SCHONE STAD | *Lord jesus christ humbled himself | | | | | | | |
KING'S WESTON | Proulx, Harmonizations | 8 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
KINGSFOLD | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 18 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
LAND OF REST | Proulx, Prelude on "Land of Rest" | | Augsburg Fortress | 1971 | Org | | | |
LAND OF REST | Proulx, Preludes on Four Hymns | 6 | Augsburg Fortress | 1968 | Org | | | |
LASST UNS ERFREUEN | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 5 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
LASST UNS ERFREUEN | Proulx, Harmonizations | 9 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
LAUDATE DOMINUM | Jubilate, Volume 3 | 32 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
LAUDATE DOMINUM | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 24 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
LITTLE FLOCK | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 40 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
LLANFAIR | Laudate!, Volume 4 | 11 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
LLANFAIR | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 6 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
LLANFAIR | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 4 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
LOBE DEN HERREN | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 7 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
LOBE DEN HERREN | Proulx, Harmonizations | 10 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
MA YEDIDUT | *I rejoiced when I heard them say | | | | | | | |
NEW BRITAIN | Proulx, Harmonizations | 12 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
NOEL NOUVELET | Jubilate, Volume 2 | 24 | Concordia | 2005 | Org | | | |
NOEL NOUVELET | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 44 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 8 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT | Proulx, Harmonizations | 13 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
O FILII ET FILIAE | *Two Sublime Chants | | | | | | | |
O WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN | Jubilate, Volume 3 | 41 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
O WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 58 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
OLD HUNDREDTH | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 9 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
PICARDY | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 10 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
PUER NOBIS | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 11 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
RAQUEL | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 50 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
REGENT SQUARE | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 12 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
REGENT SQUARE | Proulx, Harmonizations | 14 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
RENDEZ A DIEU | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 13 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
RUSTINGHAM | *When the Morning Stars Together | | | | | | | |
SALVE MATER MISERICORDIAE | *Two Sublime Chants | | | | | | | |
SIMPLE GIFTS | Jubilate, Volume 2 | 31 | Concordia | 2005 | Org | | | |
SIMPLE GIFTS | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 54 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
SINE NOMINE | Proulx, Variations on Sine Nomine | | MorningStar | 1991 | Org | | | |
SONG OF ST. PATRICK | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 17 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
ST. ANNE | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 14 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. DENIO | Proulx, Harmonizations | 14 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. FLAVIAN | Proulx, Harmonizations | 15 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 15 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR | Proulx, Harmonizations | 15 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. PETER | Proulx, 15 Hymn Intonations | 16 | Selah | 1991 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. PETER | Proulx, Harmonizations | 16 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. THOMAS | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 7 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
STUTTGART | Proulx, Harmonizations | 16 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
SURSUM CORDA | Jubilate, Volume 3 | 58 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
SURSUM CORDA | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 61 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
VERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN | Proulx, Twelve Hymn Preludes | 10 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
VESPER HYMN | Proulx, Harmonizations | 17 | Selah | 1992 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
VICTORY | Laudate!, Volume 4 | 77 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
VICTORY | Proulx, Six Hymn Preludes | 21 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
VOM HIMMEL HOCH | Preludes and Postludes, Vol. 2 | 18 | Augsburg Fortress | 1973 | Org | | | |
WACHET AUF | *Sleepers Awake! | | | | | | | |
WERE YOU THERE | *Were You There | | | | | | | |
WESTMINSTER ABBEY | Proulx, Preludes on Four Hymns | 9 | Augsburg Fortress | 1968 | Org | | | |
WONDROUS LOVE | Today in Paradise, Music for Manuals for Lent, Holy Week and Easter | 78 | Mayhew | 1997 | Org | | | |
YIGDAL | Augsburg Organ Library: Autumn | 120 | Augsburg Fortress | 2003 | Org | | | |
YIGDAL | Proulx, Preludes on Four Hymns | 3 | Augsburg Fortress | 1968 | Org | | | |
* or ** - Anthem