Tune | Book | Page | Publisher | Year | Org | Pno | Inst | Hymn Acc |
ADESTE FIDELES | Behnke, Nativity, The | 10 | Hope | 1998 | Org | | | |
ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 6 | 4 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
ANTIOCH | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 2 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
AURELIA | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 2 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
BEREDEN VAG FOR HERRAN | Behnke, Road to Bethlehem | 14 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
BROTHER JAMES' AIR | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 2 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
BUNESSAN | Behnke, Praise and Thanksgiving, Partita on Bunessan | | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
CHESTERFIELD | Behnke, Nativity, The | 2 | Hope | 1998 | Org | | | |
CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN | Behnke, Road to Calvary | 15 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN | Behnke, Triptych for Easter Day | 3 | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
CHRISTE SANCTORUM | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 1 | 4 | Concordia | 1998 | Org | | | |
CHRISTE, DU LAMM GOTTES | Behnke, Road to Calvary | 9 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
CORONATION | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 3 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
CRUCIFER | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 5 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
CWM RHONDDA | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 4 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
DECK THE HALLS | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 10 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
DIE HELLE SONN LEUCHT | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 13 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
DIX | Behnke, Nativity, The | 12 | Hope | 1998 | Org | | | |
DONA NOBIS PACEM | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 7 | 5 | Concordia | 2012 | Org | | | |
DOWN AMPNEY | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 4 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
DUKE STREET | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 5 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
DUKE STREET | Behnke, Triptych for Easter Day | 7 | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
DUKE STREET | Behnke, Triptych for Easter Day | 10 | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
EASTER HYMN | Behnke, Triptych for Easter Day | 3 | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
EBENEZER | Behnke, Partita on Ebenezer | | Concordia | 1998 | Org | | | |
EBENEZER | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 10 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
EBENEZER | Laudate!, Volume 3 | 52 | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
ELLACOMBE | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 6 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ERHALT UNS, HERR (ISOMETRIC) | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 7 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
ERHALT UNS, HERR (ISOMETRIC) | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 8 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
ERHALT UNS, HERR (ISOMETRIC) | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 9 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
ES IST DAS HEIL | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 10 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
GALILEAN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 7 | 8 | Concordia | 2012 | Org | | | |
GATHER | Behnke, Gather Us In | | Concordia | 1994 | Org | | | |
GATHER | Laudate!, Volume 1 | 5 | Concordia | 1994 | Org | | | |
GLORIA | Behnke, Nativity, The | 4 | Hope | 1998 | Org | | | |
GO TELL IT | Behnke, Road to Bethlehem | 24 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
GREENSLEEVES | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 6 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
HALLE | Behnke, Three Global Songs | 8 | Hope | 1999 | Org | | | |
HEAVEN IS MY HOME | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 6 | 6 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
HEAVEN IS MY HOME | Heaven Is My Home | 15 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
HERZLICH LIEB | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 6 | 10 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
HERZLIEBSTER JESU | Behnke, Road to Calvary | 10 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
HOUSTON | Behnke, Partita on I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light | | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
HOUSTON | Laudate!, Volume 3 | 20 | Concordia | 1996 | Org | | | |
ICH LAG UND SCHLIEF | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 9 | 3 | Concordia | 2015 | Org | | | |
IL EST NE | Behnke, He Is Born! | | Hope | 2002 | Org | | | |
IN DULCI JUBILO | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 18 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
IRBY | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 12 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
IT IS WELL | Behnke, An American Hymn Suite | 11 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
ITALIAN HYMN | Behnke, Trio of Praise, A | 8 | Concordia | 2014 | Org | | | |
JESUS IST KOMMEN, GRUND EWIGER | Behnke, Partita on Jesus Has Come | | Concordia | 1994 | Org | | | |
JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHT | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 3 | 8 | Concordia | 2002 | Org | | | |
JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHT | Heaven Is My Home | 22 | Concordia | 2002 | Org | | | |
JOYOUS LIGHT | Behnke, Road to Calvary | 12 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 12 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
KOMMET, IHR HIRTEN | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 18 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
KOMMT HER ZU MIR | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 11 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
KUM BA YAH | Behnke, Variations on Kum Ba Yah | | MorningStar | 1993 | Org | | | |
LAMB OF GOD | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 9 | 8 | Concordia | 2015 | Org | | | |
LASST UNS ERFREUEN | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 8 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
LASST UNS ERFREUEN | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 19 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
LAUDES DOMINI | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 12 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
LINSTEAD | Behnke, Three Global Songs | 13 | Hope | 1999 | Org | | | |
LOBE DEN HERREN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 4 | 4 | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
LOBE DEN HERREN | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 23 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
LOBE DEN HERREN, O MEINE SEELE | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 4 | 9 | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
LOBT GOTT DEN HERREN, IHR | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 2 | 16 | Concordia | 2000 | Org | | | |
MACHS MIT MIR, GOTT | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 9 | 12 | Concordia | 2015 | Org | | | |
MAGDALEN | Behnke, Aria on My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less | | Concordia | 1994 | Org | | | |
MAGDALEN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 7 | 11 | Concordia | 2012 | Org | | | |
MARION | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 13 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
MILWAUKEE | Behnke, Road to Bethlehem | 18 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
NETTLETON | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 3 | 18 | Concordia | 2002 | Org | | | |
NEW BRITAIN | Behnke, An American Hymn Suite | 8 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
NEW BRITAIN | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 16 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 1 | 8 | Concordia | 1998 | Org | | | |
NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND | Behnke, Road to Bethlehem | 10 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
O DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HATT | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 16 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
O MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBEN | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 4 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
O MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBEN | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 6 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
O TANNENBAUM | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 15 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
O TRAURIGKEIT | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 8 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
OLD 124TH | Behnke, Road to Calvary | 8 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
OLD HUNDREDTH | Behnke, Trio of Praise, A | 10 | Concordia | 2014 | Org | | | |
PEACE | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 2 | 21 | Concordia | 2000 | Org | | | |
PERSONET HODIE | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 18 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
POTSDAM | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 2 | 8 | Concordia | 2000 | Org | | | |
PRAISE, MY SOUL | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 20 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
PRAISE, MY SOUL | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 2 | 4 | Concordia | 2000 | Org | | | |
PUER NOBIS | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 22 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
REGENT SQUARE | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 23 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
REPTON | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 1 | 11 | Concordia | 1998 | Org | | | |
RISE UP, SHEPHERD | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 7 | 16 | Concordia | 2012 | Org | | | |
ROCKINGHAM OLD | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 13 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
RYBURN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 4 | 12 | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
SCHONSTER HERR JESU | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 3 | 4 | Concordia | 2002 | Org | | | |
SICILIAN MARINERS | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 18 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
SIMPLE GIFTS | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 4 | 15 | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
SINE NOMINE | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 28 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
SINE NOMINE | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 6 | 14 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
SIYAHAMBA | Behnke, Three Global Songs | 3 | Hope | 1999 | Org | | | |
SLANE | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 29 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
SLANE | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 26 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
SO NIMM DENN MEINE HANDE | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 1 | 16 | Concordia | 1998 | Org | | | |
SPANISH HYMN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 3 | 12 | Concordia | 2002 | Org | | | |
ST. ANNE | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 24 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. DENIO | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 26 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
ST. DENIO | Behnke, Trio of Praise, A | 4 | Concordia | 2014 | Org | | | |
ST. THOMAS | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 27 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
STAY WITH US | Behnke, Partita on Stay With Us | | Concordia | 2011 | Org | | | |
STILLE NACHT | Behnke, Five Familiar Carols for Christmas, Arranged for Organ | 18 | Hope | 1994 | Org | | | |
STILLE NACHT | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 9 | 3 | Concordia | 2015 | Org | | | |
STRAF MICH NICHT | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 9 | 16 | Concordia | 2015 | Org | | | |
TALLIS' CANON | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 30 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM | Behnke, Creative Organist, The | 31 | Hope | 1993 | Org | | | Hymn Acc |
TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM | Behnke, Seven Hymn Preludes | 28 | Concordia | 1992 | Org | | | |
THE ASH GROVE | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 1 | 21 | Concordia | 1998 | Org | | | |
TOPLADY | Behnke, An American Hymn Suite | 4 | Concordia | 2007 | Org | | | |
TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 4 | 20 | Concordia | 2003 | Org | | | |
UNE JEUNE PUCELLE | Behnke, Nativity, The | 7 | Hope | 1998 | Org | | | |
VENI, EMMANUEL | Behnke, Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel | | Concordia | 2001 | Org | | | |
VON GOTT WILL ICH NICHT LASSEN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 7 | 21 | Concordia | 2012 | Org | | | |
VRUECHTEN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 3 | 22 | Concordia | 2002 | Org | | | |
WACHET AUF | Behnke, Road to Bethlehem | 5 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
WEBB | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 6 | 16 | Concordia | 2008 | Org | | | |
WEM IN LEIDENSTAGEN | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 9 | 20 | Concordia | 2015 | Org | | | |
WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT | Behnke, Wondrous Cross: Five Organ Preludes for Lent | 16 | Concordia | 1997 | Org | | | |
WINCHESTER NEW | Behnke, Road to Calvary | 4 | Concordia | 2004 | Org | | | |
WIR GLAUBEN ALL AN EINEN GOTT | Behnke, Variations for Seven Familiar Hymns for Organ | 14 | Augsburg Fortress | 1996 | Org | | | |
WONDROUS LOVE | Behnke, Five Preludes of Praise, Set 2 | 12 | Concordia | 2000 | Org | | | |
* or ** - Anthem